Sunday, March 25, 2012

It was as bad as I thought

I just weighed and it said 298.2.  How did I get here?  Why do I love food more than I love myself?  Is that the bottom line?  What causes me to be so obsessed with food that I just eat and eat?  I can go to a fast food place and eat an ungodly amount.  It has to stop.  I want to feel normal.  This is not normal.

My first small goal is to get back to a 2x.  The reason is that over the years I would start a diet and then something would happen where perhaps I was buying a t-shirt and I would think "Oh I will get a 2x because pretty soon I will be down to that."  Well summer time is rolling around and I want to get down to some of those 2x t-shirts I can't wear.  I won't even tell you how many I have in my closet.

Small day at a time.

Oh and...I think I am going to drop caffeine.  I just don't like diet sodas and the regular ones just aren't good for me.  So...I will have to toughen it out.  There will be headaches and I will want to rip someone's head off, but I have to do this.  I guess if I am not going to go cold turkey then I could just see how long I can go and then when the headache starts I will have one.  Eventually the time between headaches will get longer and then will go away.  I have a friend who quit drinking caffeine.  I can do this.

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